Scabies symptoms, though easy to identify, are not really noticeable unless you have been shown what to look for by someone who is an expert or has experienced this particular problem. This condition in humans represents an infestation by the mite that is called, Scabies. What happens is that this mite is able to burrow into the outer layer of your upper epidermal layer because of its small size.

When it is able to survive, it will begin laying eggs and multiplying. Infestations are definitely probable with many people that have scabies, although the percentage of those with a full outbreak is dependent upon many things. Generally speaking, in order to contract scabies there needs to be skin contact that is direct and takes place for a period of time with someone who has the condition.

If this is your first time with mites, you may not notice any itching; many people that contract scabies won't notice any type of itching for at least 14 days. Don't let the lack of itching fool you as you may be able to get scabies from someone during this initial time period.

This means that the mites, if they are in the skin, can still go from person to person. The initial several weeks finds you body's immune system developing a sensitivity to the infestation. This will initiate the itching that everybody is familiar with that has ever had scabies. People that you meet every day, without knowing it, may actually spread these mites to you if they contracted it less than two weeks ago.

Once the mites are in your skin, and they are able to find a way to grow and thrive, they will continue to do so until it is not possible to continue. The human body has a couple of distinct areas where scabies can grow much more quickly from the onset of infestation. Both genders are candidates for scabies infestations, yet men and women host scabies more productively in different locations.

The buttocks location on both men and women can host quite an infestation. Although there is this one distinction, there are many more variations per gender. The genital area on men is the most likely location for a mite infestation. bodybuilding recipes But in women, scabies will thrive on the sides of the breasts, at places where the bra line is located and near and around the nipples.

Throughout nature, scabies has been cataloged in a variety of ways. bodybuilding recipes An example of such a variation are crusted scabies, otherwise known as Norwegian scabies, so named for their physical appearance. Scabies of that sort are very rare, so you should not be concerned about getting this particular strain or variety. Crusted scabies is something you will find on someone whose immune system has been compromised.

Those that have AIDS, which is an immune disorder, have been known to get scabies of this strain. Though this is very uncommon, people with healthy immune systems have also gotten the Norwegian mites. The difference is the extent of the infestation.

This is not to say that it cannot be spread if a person has sheets that are infested that they sleep in, or have personal items with the mites on them. It is interesting to note that the scabies mite can live for about thirty six hours outside the human body and with no host.